Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2016


Ganozhi body soap with ganoderma extract will make your skin radiant, supple and smooth while relaxing
 your nerves. Having no artificial colorings, it is suitable for all types of skin
Ingredients : sodium palmate, ganoderma extract, glycerin fragrance….
Enriched with pure Ganoderma (red mushrooms) extract and palm oil. It washes away dirt and gently cleanses the skin while preserving its natural oils. It restores skin resiliency and smoothens wrinkles, enhances natural beauty and promotes healthy skin by giving it proper nourishment. Its exclusive formulation makes it a facial nourishing soap – a beauty and skin soap in one. This soap is suitable for people of all ages and for daily use.
A few amazing facts about ganoderma (red mushrooms):
  • Ganoderma is known for centuries as the “Miraculous King of Herbs” that has a traceable consumption record of more than 2,000 years.
  • Ganoderma inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide while growing like human beings. So, when we take it, we add good quantity oxygen to our bodies.
  • Ganoderma works directly on the body starting from its cells (not on the disease), thus making it possible for the body to treat the “root cause” of any disease including those believed to be incurable, chronic or recurrent.
  • Ganoderma is an adaptive that works directly on every cell of the human body. It provides oxygen, nutrients and elements that correct cell imbalances. Thus, strengthening the cell membranes so the cells will not take in new toxins.
  • Ganoderma has no side effects.
  • Ganoderma can be taken long-term without the fear of developing a tolerance to its effects.
  • It gives 100% result to acne problems…


13 benefits of black cumin seeds
1. Cholesterol
According to the latest research the daily use of between 100 and 200 mg per day for two months of extract of black cumin seeds to reduce the levels of LDL also called bad cholesterol, protecting the circulatory system and the heart.
2. Dry cough, asthma and allergies
The Oil of black cumin seeds has anti-Asthmatic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial so the steam with a spoonful of oil of black cumin at least twice a day, it produces much relief. In addition, thanks to their properties is effective in case of sore throat and dry cough, as a homemade remedy may be added a teaspoon of oil or small seeds (as the seeds there are not enough to boil with infusionar) to the infusion of ginger with marshmallow And, or chamomile.
The Oil of black cumin seeds is a natural antihistamine, which significantly reduces the inflammation and the symptoms of allergy, the usual dose of half a teaspoon twice a day.
3. Psoriasis
The Topical use of oil of black cumin strengthens and softens the skin by improving the cases of psoriasis and eczema.
4. Heavy Metal poisoning
According to some studies the black cumin seeds are diminishing and even reverse the damage caused in the brain by the intoxication of heavy metals. In fact a phytochemical developed of black cumin seeds Nigella Sativa, called thymoquinone has been shown to be able to protect the brain from toxic elements associated with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dementia and epilepsy in children, in addition to improving the capacity of concentration.
5. Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA is resistant to the antibiotic)
The seeds of oil of black cumin, improve immunity, have shown good results against a bacterial strain antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus so problematic in hospital units.
6. Diabetes
The daily use, at a rate of about 2 grams of black cumin seeds seems to balance the blood sugar levels, improve the insulin resistance, to enhance the role of beta cells to regenerate the pancreas, as well as to protect the kidneys.
7. Addiction to morphine and the opiates
The seed of black cumin has shown to be positive after a continued use in time in people with dependency and addiction to morphine and opiates.
8. Care of the skin and the scars
Both the pure oil as the oil soap cumin are excellent for the care of the skin of the body, the face and the scars after an operation or any laceration.
9. Insomnia
It has traditionally been used to promote the dream a teaspoon of oil of black cumin an hour or two before I sleep alone, with milk or in a soothing infusion of Chamomile, Lavender and lemon balm.
10. Digestion
Of course like the cumin, black cumin is a good digestive, improves the digestion, reduces the inflammation of the stomach, diarrhea and gases.
11. Menstruation and breast-feeding
It has traditionally been used to promote the cumin milk production and balance the rules irregular.
12. Cancer
A phytochemical from the extract of the seeds of black cumin seems to induce the cancer cells to suicide and prevent its growth in the case of breast cancer, colon, liver, oral, leukemia, brain. In addition the thymoquinone seems to protect the brain from damage by radiation.
13. Fever
The Oil of black cumin seeds, one teaspoon per day, facilitates the detoxification of the body and reduce fever in cases of flu and cold.


We are undergoing a health revolution. People all over the world are increasingly becoming more conscious about their own health and responsibility to maintain it. With the increased consciousness, the demand for the natural food , herbal medicines and nutraceuticals is growing dramatically.One of these is a SUPER FOOD called “ SPIRULINA .
            This first photosynthetic life forms, our immortal ancestor, was designed by nature 3.5 billion years ago. This unicellular blue-green algae produced the oxygen in our atmospherethus allowing all higher life forms to evolve. It has renewed itself with billions of years of  successful evolutionary wisdom coded in its DNA. Although mankind has consumed it for centuries .it was only rediscovered by scientists 30 years ago.
            SPIRULINA belongs to the plant food group. Its blue-green colour comes from two pigments, phycocyanin and chlorophyll. These tiny spiral coils thrive in a high-alkaline medium and harvests the energy of the Sun to supply a treasure of bio-available nutrients beneficial to the human boby.
            Spirulina is often described as a SUPER FOOD , as it contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plants, grain or herb. It is the highest protein food – contains over 65% of digestible vegetables protein. It also has the highest concentration of Beta-Carotene, Vitamin B12 .Iron , Trace elements and the rare Essential Fatty Acid-GLA. These make Spirulina a great whole food and an effective alternative to isolated Vitamins and Minerals.
            Millions of peoples worldwide consumes spirulina for the qualitative improvement of their health. Current world production of Spirulina for human consumption is more than one thousand metric tons annually. The United States leads world production followed by Thailand , India and China. More countries are planning production as they realize it is a valuable strategic resourse.


RommelGelicameDREAMS:                                                   Reishe Ga...

Martes, Setyembre 13, 2016                                                  Reishe Gano/Ganocelium(RG/GL)

RGGL Ganoderma RG & GL Ganoderma Lucidium is widely known as the “king of the herbs” and contains more than 400 active elements. Reishi Gano (RG) and Ganoderma Lucidum (GL) are consumed in pairs. Reishi Gano (RG) RG (Reishi Gano) is a mushroom essence RG is 100% crushed spore powder and is the extract from the fruit body of the adult Ganoderma Lucidum mushroom. Contents of Reishi Gano (RG) Reishi Gano contains more than 400 active elements, which can be divided into 3 categories. 30% water soluble elements. 65% organic soluble elements. 5% volatile elements. Active ingredients of RG: Polysaccharides Organic germanium Triterpenoides Adenosine Ganoderic Essence Protein Fibre

 POLYSACCHARIDES (The Cleanser) Water Soluble Strengthen the body’s immune system Balance blood sugar level and improves pancreatic functions Protect against degeneration of skin cells and eliminates dead surface cells which improves skin texture and reduces the appearance of aging Controls destruction of healthy cells throughout the body Helps cleanse toxic deposits from the body (Detoxification) Strengthens cell membranes Increases oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells.

ORGANIC GERANIUM (The Balancer) Partially Soluble Increases the oxygen content in the body and regulates the electrical charges in the body. (Electrical Charge Balancer) Removes abnormal electrical charges around abscess cells. Increases oxygen in the blood system Reduces fatigue and increases vitality Strengthens the immune system Increases the metabolism Contains an abundance of anti-oxidants that control or inhibit damaging free radicals. Free radicals are a major cause of cell degeneration, cancer and aging. Assists our body’s natural ability to fight cancer cells Revives cell tissues by increasing oxygen supply to body oxygen Cleanses blood Serves as a brain tonic and Stabilizes the nervous system Stabilizes blood pressure Stabilizes electrical function in the body Eliminates water soluble toxins. Prevents numbness in the hands and the legs Helps patients recover from stroke ADENOSINE (The Regulator) Organic soluble elements Reduces cholesterol and body fat Helps to unclog arteries plugged with fatty deposits, and supports liver function Lowers the level of blood lipid and stabilizes red cell membranes Can lower the level of platelets agglutination and enhance thrombosis Prevents fragmentation of platelets which can cause blockages in the circulatory system Improves the function of the cortex of the adrenal glands to maintain endocrine balance Balances the metabolic rate and boosts energy Balances the ph of the blood TRITERPENOIDS (The Builder) Bitter in taste. Organic Soluble Fortifies and improves the digestive system Inhibits allergies, relieves sinus congestion, and helps with respiratory problems Reduces cholesterol and neutral fats in the body Ganoderic Essence Rejuvenates the body’s tissues and cells Boosts all the body’s functions Helps to maintain youthfulness and contributes to improved vitality Overcomes skin disorders and beautifies the skin

 Is effective for relieving external problems such as scrapes, skin wounds, psoriasis, bug bites, stings, sunburn, mouth ulcers, and external bleeding. GANODERIC ESSENSE (The Regenerator) Volatile Elements Can assist in the treatment of skin diseases Beautification of the skin Can be used as an external application on skin diseases, mouth ulcers, and external wounds )also stops bleeding) Rejuvenates body tissues Effects of RG: RG is a scanner (1-30 days). RG has the wider range of scanning because it contains all the natural elements of Gano. Water soluble, organic soluble and volatile elements. RG does functions like cleansing and detoxification (1-30 weeks). RG removes toxins such as uric acid, excess cholesterol, fat deposits, calcium deposits, bad tissue and chemical accumulation through1, sweating 2, urination and stool 3, boils, rashes, phlegm and mucus discharge. RG is a regulator (1-12months). After the toxin removal from the body, RG exerts a balancing effect to restore the body function to normal. RG is a builder (6-24 months). RG builds and heals body parts that are injured or damaged. It strengthens the body; immune system, restores mental calmness and gives more resistance to disease. RG supplies essential elements such as Minerals and Triterpenoides for the recovery of body function. RG is a regenerator (1-3years). It ensures our body is functioning at its optimum level, which is actually a rejuvenating effect and thus restores youthful appearance, strength and peacefulness of mind. Ganoderma Lucidum (GL) GL Ganocelium is the Mycelium of Ganoderma Lucidum (the root of the mushroom) which has been dried and powdered at only 18 days old. It supplies a whole spectrum of vitamins to our body and serves as an oxygen supplier. 450 mg in each capsule. Benefits of Ganoderma Lucidum Enhances the Immune System Promote stamina and endurance. Relieves the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux Relieves the symptoms of Allergy and Hay Fever. Temporary relief of the pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Relief the symptoms of Influenza/Flu. Helps relieve Nervous Tension-Stress and mild Anxiety. Temporary relief of Migraine Headaches. Relieves symptoms of PMS and of Menstrual Symptoms. Relieves symtoms of Pre-menstrual Symptoms/Syndrome. Relieves Sleeplessness. Temporary relief of Coughs. Formula to support Liver. Antioxidants neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals of normal cellular respiration and metabolism.

Ganoderma is one of the most potent Anti Oxidants at 23,500 I.U’s If healthy the body has a healthy heart, healthy blood pressure, healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood sugar levels, and a healthy respiratory system. All the organs in the body operate without problems. Effects of GL: It enhances a whole spectrum of vitamins and minerals to our body. It serves as a brain tonic, oxygen supplier and provides the basis for body growth. Through its polysaccharide content, GL effectively prevents growth of abnormal cells and controls their spread. Helps in strengthening the body Immune System. Reduces sugar level in blood and revives pancreas function Discharges water-soluble toxins. Contents of GL Polysaccharides Organic germanium A whole spectrum of Vitamins A whole spectrum of Minerals Amino acids